Aims & Objectives

Factories of the future shall draw innovations and knowledge from multiple disciplines of science and engineering thereby creating a demand of multifaceted professionals. This explains the heightened sensitivity in Industry and Academia to better educate, properly train and enrich the human capital of our country.

Automation Industry has been propelling economies internationally by enabling manufacturing and infrastructure to meet the growing needs across the globe. This cross disciplinary segment is the key to enhanced productivity, reliability and quality in multiple domains.

AIA Campus Connect program runs in collaboration with chosen engineering institutions. It offers two levels of engagement at undergraduate stage and one during post graduate engineering studies. The program creates Competency Development Centers at these institutions that engage students and academia for proliferation and promotion of contemporary & relevant education in Automation.

3 Pillars for an Effective Pan-India Footprint


Knowledge Infrastructure

Comprising an academic curriculum and supporting learning modules, training on modern Industrial equipment and introduction to contemporary practices and solutions. It is a cross disciplinary program which instills basic theory, equipment and integrated approach towards automation with relevant hands-on at various levels.


Physical Infrastructure

Comprising a network of academic partner campuses, and industrial sites to support practical and hands-on learning. It exposes the academia and students to the visiting industry experts and exposes them to relevant Industrial automation ware. It also provides for internships and creation of faculty consultancy centers, technology / solution incubation laboratories.


Management Infrastructure

Comprising a 2-tier assessment and certification process that ensures quality, sustainability and scaling up of the program. It provides a global benchmark for a PAN India evaluation and certification for entry level automation professionals.

Blended learning, the teaching practice that combines teaching methods from both face-to-face and online learning, is an established, rapidly growing instructional model that is proving highly effective in helping institutions address the challenges of limited resources and the expectations of 21st century learners. The model extends classroom instruction beyond the normal hours, supports credit recovery programs, enhances professional development for teachers and delivers enriched learning opportunities for accelerated students.

AIA Campus Connect implements blended learning in a variety of ways, ranging from models in which curriculum is fully online with face-to-face interaction in laboratory sessions, to models in which face-to-face classroom instruction is integrated with online components. The rapid growth of blended learning has been a catalyst for additional instructional transformation, including:

  • Evolving pedagogy in which teachers’ roles include facilitation, student mentoring and differentiating instruction for individual learners,
  • Increased flexibility and personalization of students’ learning experiences
  • Strategic uses of technology as colleges  tap the capabilities of the learning management systems to support a wider range of instructional programs.

The intent of AIA Campus Connect programme is to showcase this blended learning model’s potential and ignite faculty and students with new conversations about Integrated Automation learning and relevance to career needs in Industry.

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educating Events


Prominent Industry Partners

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informative Courses